Wednesday, August 31, 2016

Grey's Anatomy

   Hello hello, how are you?
   Today I'll talk about a series that I really like!!
   Grey's Anatomy an American medical drama, which is played by Meredith Grey, one of the hospital residents fictional Seattle Grace in Seattle Washington, one of the residency programs in medical surgery more rigid the country.
   The series is focused on him and his friends Cristina, Izzie, George and Alex, where they show their love lives and their difficulties they spend at work.

   The series has several unexpected twists and exciting from start to finish. Each episode shows something new falls and simple that led to problems in the brain, resulting in constant seizures a heart that lives in a "box" or even the pain of a member that does not exist. Several other unimaginable things happen inside that hospital !!
   An addictive series from beginning to end !!

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